Research Topic:
Sensing Wales: Conflicting identities and belonging of young ethnic minority people in Wales
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring the experiences, attitudes and understandings of domestic violence among street sex workers
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Building just and sustainable food systems: A case of female small-scale farmers in Gulu district, Uganda
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Dysphoria, dissolution and diversity: An ethnographic exploration into the growing disillusionment of Black Caribbean students
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Livestock Markets as Therapeutic Sites: evaluating third sector approaches to rural health in Wales
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Optimising older adults' home spaces to support independence, activity, connection and wellness
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Developing awareness of and widening access to Welsh medium and bilingual statutory education for international migrants in Wales
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Using episodic future thinking to improve climate decision making and action in organisations
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Chosen families? Exploring the effects of UK family policies on LGBTQ+ parenthood
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Mediated neurodivergence on social media in the context of increasing diagnoses and public health service shortfalls
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Reporting on Climate Change and Veganism in the British Press
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Emergence and sequalae of attention biases to threat across the first three years of life
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Racism in secondary schools
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Enhancing discharge care coordination in mental health and social care: A probabilistic data-driven modelling approach
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Public Health and Wellbeing
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Reading Skills of Arabic-English Bilingual Children with DLD
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Intersection of Disability and Asylum Seeking
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Effecting Policy Change to Enhance Climate Change Resilience Within Threatened Communities In Nepal
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
What are the implications of health inequalities such as parental education and household income in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) 11-16 years old’s mental health in Wales?
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
A Year of Immersion into the River Thames: Diving into the seasonal social worlds of river swimming
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Geography - food and animal geographies
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
The enduring role of conspiracy theories and disinformation in the post-Covid health domain: Exploring the case of the Wellness Industry in Wales.
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
An analysis of gendered experiences of street harassment and bystander intervention
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Local Government and Local Governance: Analysing the office of the Chief Legal Officer (Monitoring Officer)
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Horticultural systems diversity: growing spaces, cropping practices and food supply
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Consonant Development in typically developing Welsh-English bilingual children
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The role of Welsh in community action groups
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
A Global Exploration of Flood Risk Management and the Potential of Integrating Traditional Environmental Knowledge
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
How Do Different Cultural Understandings of Trust Affect the Potential for Trusting Relationships in International Relations?
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Rethinking Stigma: Intellectual disability and motherhood in an era of neoliberal ableism
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Social and empathy phenomenon in human-robot interactions
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Making inclusive school cultures: exploring young people's worldviews in the context of RSE
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Investigating Meaningful Making in Communities of People Living with Brain Injury
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
YouTube video essays, investigative journalism and encouraging higher levels of media literacy in non-academic communities
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring perceptions and experiences of foundational and wellbeing economy policies through lived experience in low-income communities.
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Urban Acupuncture in South Wales- Pinprick Solutions for Urban Regeneration
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Environmental Impact and Gender Inequality in the Fast Fashion Supply Chain: An Eco-Feminism Perspective
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
The perspectives, experiences and perceived impacts of social and school policies in relation to the inclusion or marginalisation of gender minority students: a mixed methods case study in Wales
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
A Tolerant Nation? Race, discrimination and criminal justice in Wales
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
To what extent do employability interventions within HE empower students to succeed in a growing and digitally innovative manufacturing sector in Wales?
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring the impact of trauma-informed schooling on students in UK secondary schools
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
A Mixed Methods Study into the efficacy of music therapy (MT) in strengthening the relationships of UK adoptive families.
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Coercive Control in Court: A corpus-aided discourse analysis of the representation of domestic abuse at trial
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Multi-Scale Governance of Second Homes: An International Analysis
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Identifying and communicating optimal grazing choices for sustainable livestock farming
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Digital acitivism in authoritarian regims
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Maternity care experiences of refugees and asylum seekers in England and Wales
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Immersion Education and Bilingualism: Exploring Perceptions, Expectations and Effective Delivery
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Addressing the Educational Needs of the Community Pharmacy Workforce in Wales to Optimise Medicines Use in Society
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Walking the Walk: An assessment of UK universities’ commitment to Climate Justice within Sustainability and NetZero Strategies
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Sport and character: Reflections on using sport in character education within Wales
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Resilience and Resistance: Women's Struggles for Rights in Authoritarian Regimes with cult leaders - A Comparative Study of Iran and North Korea
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
The effects of air pollution on young people
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Transgender People’s Experiences of Digital Technology in Wales
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Investigating lay understanding of medical terminology
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Identifying new woodland owner types: what is driving new woodland ownership and what advice and guidance would facilitate delivery of multiple benefits from new woodlands?
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Bilingual Advantage in Welsh-English bilingual learners in primary schools
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Investigating the Language Learning Experiences of People with Multiple Neurodivergent Conditions
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Mathematics Anxiety
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Online Misogyny: A gateway from everyday extremism to violent extremism?
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Local Area Energy Plans: an effective tool for Net Zero energy transitions?
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Trail and development of a resilience based intervention to reduce reoffending in young offenders
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Welsh cultural legacies of colonialism and the politics of exhibition
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Election Systems in Wales: The Impact of Election Reform on Voting Behaviour, Ideology, and Political Understanding
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding how Social and Environmental Uncertainty Impacts the Sustainability of Shared Resources
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Experiences and attitudes of children and young people transferring to Welsh education
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Language Development of Bilinguals with Rett Syndrome
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
A study into the effectiveness of readability strategies on look-a-like words in first and second language users of English
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Towards a racially diverse education workforce in Wales
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The tree planting phenomenon: A 'Giant Leap' for climate change mitigation or mere greenwashing?
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
“Welsh higher education delivering a second-chance nation: It’s never too late to learn” Barriers experienced by mature students at Welsh universities
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Young Adults and New Citizens: The Social Construction of National Identity and State Affiliation in Contemporary Britain
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Developing an adapted curriculum of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for children and young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
An Ethnographic Investigation into Young Women’s Experiences Of ‘Trauma-informed’ Practices in Prison
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Contextual Welsh language use in Gwynedd
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Parent as Coach: An empirically informed philosophical analysis.
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Newid Ymddygiad Ieithyddol: Cynyddu defnydd pobl ifanc (16-25 oed) o'r iaith Gymraeg yng Nghymru
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
How lineup construction methods impact the accuracy of eyewitness identifications
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
DEFINE: UnDerstanding Experiences of deaF unIversity studeNts in WalEs – a case study
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Effects of Political Ideology and News Consumption on the Publics Perception of Fact-Checking
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Water Insecurity, Conflict and Crime: The Role of Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Measures in Afghanistan
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Parental advocacy in child protection social work
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Co-Creating Stories in Schools for an Anti-Racist Wales
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Preventing homelessness at the intersection of hostile policies: the experiences of refugees in Cardiff
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
The construction of Latin American femininities and how online self-representation is pushing us toward a decolonial future
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Revisiting and reframing sport for older adults
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Towards agency of opportunity for young people leaving care: A comparison of Welsh and Norwegian models of practice
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring impacts of foraging as a nature-based activity on human and ecological wellbeing
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Leveraging digital technologies to facilitate circular economy practices for UK food Waste reduction
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Evaluation of characteristics of RESILIENce for patient safeTy in care delivery by the Rapid Response System in a Welsh Health Board, a mixed methods study
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Intersectionality and sex work
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Girls Everyday Politics in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
A critical analysis of biodiversity in urban planning
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
A Biopsychosocial Exploration of the Impact of Taekwondo on Adults with Autism
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Heritage and Public Space
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Investigating the Existence of a Multicultural Cardiff English Within Working Class Cardiff English
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Community participation in biological recording: an ethnography of citizen science.
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Evaluating the impact of various practices of translanguaging on pupils' educational and linguistics outcomes
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Forecasting improvements for better reproductive health and family planning operations in global health supply chains
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Using an Evolutionary Psychological Approach to Develop an Intervention to Improve Relationship Prospects and Mental Health in ‘Dysphoric’ Singles
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The Geographies of the digital outdoors: bringing together digital and outdoor learning spaces in Welsh primary Schools
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Pre-teen childrens digital social worlds a participatory and creative exploration
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Teacher training in oracy* and vocabulary development in primary schools in Wales
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Memories of COVID-19: Pandemic Commemoration in Wales
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Black British Experiences of Higher Education
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Psychosocial wellbeing
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Judicial Review: Understanding the Low Numbers of Social Care Challenges in Wales
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Development of an Intervention to Support the Wellbeing of Adolescents in Football Academies via Engagement in Protective Leisure Practices
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
In good faith? An ethnographic exploration of faith-sensitive RSE provision in predominantly Muslim-faith primary schools
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Establishing international best practices for sport-based positive psychology programmes to combat behavioural issues and promote wellbeing in adolescents
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Reconstructing knowledge management: A radical modernisation of maintenance and capital expenditure risk modelling for a North Wales Hydro Power Station
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
The role of the Fostering Self model of identity in supporting foster placement stability for Looked After children
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The Everyday Affects of Protest: Engaging the Politics of Citizenship at the Museum
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Investigating the Gender Pay Gap in UK firms
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Impacts on child dietary behaviours and health: Exploring school policy responses to the rise in cost of living
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
An interdisciplinary approach to return-to-running following childbirth
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring legal need in North Wales: the impact of the development of a law centre in addressing the gaps in access to justice
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Developing Transformational Ways of Analysing and Representing Minority Languages: A Case Study of the Welsh Language
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Stategic Bilingualism: identifying optimal context for Welsh as a second language in the curriculum
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Incarceration as a system of oppression: Exploring the treatment and experiences of children in Jamaica’s juvenile correctional facilities
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Media Representation of the Basque Country in the Spanish Press After the End of Armed Conflict
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Impact of nature engagement on the health and well-being of children from disadvantaged communities
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The Good Lives Model and the Trajectories Away from Islamist Extremism
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Changes in human values and wellbeing experienced from treescape expansion
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
(In)visible Women: experiences of and responses to gender-based online harms
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Pupils Experiences of and Involvement in School Curriculum Reforms
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Disasters as conflict multipliers: The case of the Beirut blast
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Over-imitation in Older Adults
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding university culture to support student wellbeing in Wales
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Integration Experiences of Forced Migrant Women in Wales: A Nation of Sanctuary
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Teacher training in oracy and vocabulary development in primary schools in Wales
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
How do some of the worlds biggest geopolitical actors construct the Arctic in relation to eachother
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Interspecies cities: spatial governance practices, dilemmas and future
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
How do self-testng kits infuence parents’ and guardians’ cognitve representatons and behavioural responses to children’s Respiratory Tract Infectons?
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The Rise and Fall of Russia’s Independent Media
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Appropriate adults
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
How are relations between semantic meanings affected by Alzheimer's disease in bilinguals?
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Adolescent Mental Health Care Leavers Mental Health and Transistions
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring discrimination of neurodivergent people in the recruitment practices of the UK private sector, and how to create more equitable employment opportunities
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Impact of digital social interactions on the adolescent brain and well-being
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
An Examination of the Social Implications of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome as New Diagnostic Categories
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Refashioning confession: The recontextualisation of digital confession evidence in court
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding player load management and rest in English professional rugby union
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Legal constructions of trans subjectivity across empires: a comparative and connected study of British India and French Algeria
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Identification and Impact of Dark Patterns in Online Gambling: A Multi-Component Approach
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Sustainable Diet
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Post Conflict Justice in Post Conflict Societies
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Beyond the binary: where next for the United Kingdom’s territorial constitution?
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Sign-augmented language learning in young children with Down syndrome
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Conceptualizing The Social Dimensions of Person Perception
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Better Understanding the Welsh Productivity Puzzle
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Immigration Control as Revenue Regime: Mapping the Contours and Consequences
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Learning lessons: Informing suicide prevention from a documentary analysis of Child Practice Reviews and Adult Practice Reviews
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Social Vision
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding Second Language Acquisition for Syrian Refugees in Wales: Challenges and Identity Issues
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding national curriculum enactment: Choice and constraint in the Welsh school system
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Public Service Interpreting for healthcare and support for language equity: a comparative evaluation in South Wales and Central Scotland
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
An investigation into the treatment of patients with mental health disorders using outdoor activity based social prescribing programmes:
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The intersectionality of sex and deprivation on young people experience of emergency acute asthma care and the outcomes following ED Presentation in Wales
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The Gullible and the Naive: exploring the impact health-related misinformation on social media
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Practices and Perceptions of gender, leadership, and the governance for sustainable development: a place-based case study of Wales
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Strengthening family responses for criminally exploited children
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The relationship between the Welsh language and the new curriculum that will operate in schools and non-maintained settings from September 2022
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Addressing the disability employment gap
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Consumption practices within circular economies of Ireland and Wales
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
An exploration of sex work that involves defining the scope of the industry and assessing sex workers access to support
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Sensory sensitivities: Mechanisms, triggers and soothers
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Ethnic Variations in Health and Social Service Use and Mental Health Outcomes of Unpaid Family Caregivers in Wales
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Children In Care data – can routine data help inform practice
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Can financial intermediation mitigate climate change
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Securing equality rights and access to justice in Wales
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Online expressions related to muslim identity and islam: a longitudinal event based analysis
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Usage-Based L2 Learning
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring the variation and equality of access for at-risk adults in receipt of care and support in Wales
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Technology-led teaching of anatomy: does an absence of cadavers increase accessibility to the new medicine course in North Wales?
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Choice over chance? A case study of pre-implantation genetic testing for polygenic traits
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
How the emotions and affect in right-wing mediated UK discourses on transgender topics have changed over the Brexit era
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Optimising the effectiveness of Education about Psychosis in improving understanding and reducing stigmatising attitudes
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Sustainable food systems and heritage food production
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
An interdisciplinary examination of motor skill proficiency and injury risk in female team athletes
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Putting a finger on peripheral nerve injury: Developing a core outcome set.
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Child to Parent Violence
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Restructuring road user charges in the UK in preparation for an ACES world
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Governing road safety: citizens, speed and road user responsibility in Wales
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Remote working: exploring regional variation and socio-economic inequalities,
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
mTBI in Womens Rugby Union
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Womens Activism and Conservative Backlash in the Southern Cone
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Mind the Gap! An investigation into the transition between upper-secondary and university learning environments in Wales, with a focus on essay-based academic writing practices.
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Welsh Womens Imprisonment
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring the long-term educational and health outcomes of babies born late preterm
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
State collusion with Loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland 1968-98
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Inter-agency collaboration to support children with mental health needs
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Young people mental health
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Paths to decolonising bio-cultural curation: new perspectives on the Economic Botany collection at Amgueddfa Cymru-Museum Wales
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Digital services vs physical outreach: their implications and effects on the financial wellbeing of welfare recipients
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Efficient and effective circular infrastructures toward food waste elimination in the Tourism & Hospitality sector: the ‘Two Seas’ region.
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Combatting Online Extremism: The Algorithmic Amplification of Counter-Speech
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Can the endurance of extra-conflict forms of child exploitation be considered a consequence of the recruitment and use of child soldiers?
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
News Censorship, Transitology and the Adaptability of News Control in Democracy Process: Paradox of Journalism Freedom
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Accessing housing justice: a critical legal geography of independent housing advice in Wales
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Examining relationships between human well-being and avian biodiversity within natural and urban soundscapes
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Evaluation of Welsh language programme for English medium primary schools in Wales
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
What works: increasing the impact of research that demonstrates structural inequalities
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Counter-narratives and online hate speech
Subject pathway:
Digital Economy and Society
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding and modelling the impact of consumer purchasing behaviour on the global supply chains' decisions in adapting anti-slavery practices
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
PREVENTing Extremism and Safeguarding Contestation: The Role of Agonistic Institutions in Counterterrorism
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Navigating the politics of Cross-border Conservation of Coastal habitat (C3)
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Peacebuilding through co-creation of cultural memory in borderlands
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Climate Change Attitudes and Actions in Developed Economies
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Gender and climate justice: informal street and market traders in Dar es Salaam
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
A video-ethnography of hybrid mobile subjects: exploring conflictual interactions between female cyclists and motorists at urban junctions
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Digital Restorative Approaches in Wales
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring the experience and use of long-acting reversible contraception among vulnerable population
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The Role of Journalists in Reporting End-of-Life Decisions: Questions of Ethics, Law and Democratic Citizenship
Subject pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Urban Farming Detroit
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
The Welsh Experience with a Living Language: Minoritized Language through the Lens of Phenomenology
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Countering Conspiracy Theories and Disinformation with Digital Media Literacy Interventions
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
The indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility, maternal and neonatal health
Subject pathway:
Health and Well-Being and Data Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Attitude and Identity in Wales’ Primary and Secondary Schools
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Women Veterans Transition from Military to Civilian life and Implications for Gender Identity
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Do farmer groups encourage tree planting? Exploration of changes in willingness and capacity for planting in England and Wales
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Public sector evaluation design and planning as reflective and relational dialogical opportunities: The role of discursive tools in cultivating empathetic evaluation design cultures
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding hiring discrimination against disabled people in the UK
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
The impact of process led technological innovation on SME service businesses in Wales Post-covid
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
The Right to Health in Welsh Gypsy, Romani and Travelling Communities
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Designing serious games to inform land use decisions for net zero in Wales
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Emotion Recognition in Looked After Children in Wales: An Investigation and Intervention Study
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Hand-in-hand: Basic science inspired virtual reality gaming for upper-limb rehabilitation
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
British National (Overseas) HongKongers, their conflicts with existing Chinese communities and the implications for Identity Politics in the UK
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Building Temporary Communities: The Mobilities, Geographies and Working Practices of the Festival Rigger
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
What is good leadership in child protection services?
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The Application of Digital Forensics and Machine Learning to Automatically Detect and Flag Modified Online Terrorist Propaganda
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Longer-term health and criminal justice outcomes for care experienced young people
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Why does loss matter? An ethnographic analysis of the responses to Dutch Elm Disease and Ash Dieback
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
How children and young people from the West Midlands made sense of the COVID-19 pandemic and UK lockdowns.
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
How misinformation in the aftermath of terror attacks has been used to influence public reactions by the UK far-right.
Subject pathway:
Criminology and Law
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
The Effects of Personality and Social Support on Rehabilitation Adherence and Return-to-Sport
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
The role of communication in access to healthcare for autistic adults
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Understanding mental health in elite women's cricket
Subject pathway:
Sport and Exercise Science
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Welsh-English Bilingualism in Individuals with DS-ASD
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Learning for professional judgement: practitioner and policy conceptions
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
A functional description of the Verb-Noun in Welsh
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
The British labour movement and the campaign for democratic and human rights in Iraq 1984-2010
Subject pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster
Research Topic:
Periods, preferences, and perceptions: Exploring young people’s menstrual experiences
Subject pathway:
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Soil Care Practices and Socio-Ecological Transformation
Subject pathway:
Human Geography
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster
Research Topic:
Religious Identity, Extremism, and Desistance: Exploring Prison Dynamics and Designing Desistance in Lebanon
Subject pathway:
Sociology / Science and Technology Studies
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Promoting Diverse Workforce and Inclusion in Welsh Schools
Subject pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
Research Topic:
Exploring intelligent immersive systems for field service operations
Subject pathway:
Management and Business
Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster
Research Topic:
Negotiating recovery: practitioner and service user experiences of mental health care trajectories in Wales
Subject pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy
Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster
Research Topic:
Agroecological transition: understanding farmers’ cultural identities and social practices to enable mixed farming futures (in collaboration with the Soil Association).
Subject pathway:
Environmental Planning
Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster