Lead supervisor:
Prof Sin yi Cheung

Other supervisor(s):

  • Prof Amanda Robinson

Start date: September 2022

Award: General

Subject Pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy   

Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster

Integration Experiences of Forced Migrant Women in Wales: A Nation of Sanctuary

Some research has been conducted on forced migrant women in Wales. There are also ongoing policy attempts towards helping forced migrant women in Wales to cope with challenges and to support them as they try to settle down. Conversations at strategic levels of policy making and service delivery have been increasing for over a decade in Wales. Notable among these conversations is the concept of Wales becoming a Nation of Sanctuary (NoS).

This research will be a case study that will involve semi-structured interviews and visual elicitations with forced migrant women living in Wales. The aim is to explore their experiences regarding the services that they have accessed, their integration experiences within the community and if they feel safe and welcome. Additionally, the difficulties that they have encountered and how they were supported to overcome these challenges within a NoS will be elucidated. Furthermore, the research will explore the perspectives from the forced migrant women living in Wales about how the policies have helped them rebuild their lives and feel more welcome in Wales.

Key questions to be addressed by the research include:
1.What is the integration experience of forced migrant women in Wales?
2. How do forced migrant women go about rebuilding their lives in Wales?
3. Are forced migrant women in Wales aware of the concept of Nation of Sanctuary? What are their perceptions and experiences about this concept?