Dr Robert Bowen (BowenR16@cardiff.ac.uk)
Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

Dr Daniele Doneddu (D.Doneddu@Swansea.ac.uk)
School of Management, Swansea University

Dr Charlotte Rimmer (c.rimmer@bangor.ac.uk)
Bangor Business School, Bangor University
The Business and Management pathway brings together three HEI institutions: Cardiff Business School, Swansea School of Management and Bangor Business School to offer a formidable range and combination of substantive and methodological strengths. The pathway focusses the realms of social sciences on current challenges for business and the industrial landscape. It offers significant opportunities for interdisciplinarity through its disciplinary expertise in accounting, finance, banking, marketing, strategy, logistics and operations management, human resource management, organisational management, innovation, and tourism. The pathway examines and develops knowledge relating to wider issues aligned to grand challenges, e.g. (in)equality, wellbeing, decent work, governance, future organisations and sustainability. Particular HEI strengths include: public management and governance, Islamic finance, social innovation, logistics and operations management (Cardiff, REF2021 2nd research power, 4* research environment), banking (Bangor, world top-50), digital innovation, human resources, and enterprise development policy (Swansea).
Environment for doctoral research and training
The pathway sustains a vibrant and interdisciplinary research culture and environment where collegiality, inclusivity and participation are dominant values, and our scholars contribute not only to their research base but also to society. Pathway institutions deliver masters level training in research methods including qualitative and quantitative research, business analytics, data mining, as well as advanced subject specific and other bespoke training via research seminars, methods workshops, intensives and regular in-person/online research seminars. The pathway has expertise in data-driven research. At every stage, students are expected to actively participate in a wide range of developmental and cohort building events including the annual Postgraduate Research Conference, joint research seminars, training workshops, all-Wales research colloquia, PGR student social events and mentoring. Further initiatives planned comprise: summer schools focussed on grand challenges, cluster-wide stakeholder engagement events, topic-based reading, writing and/or peer review groups.
Knowledge exchange and careers
The pathway has close relationships with a large range of public, private and third sector organisations through research, impact and past collaborative awards. Pathway institutions have a several research groups working across a range of themes and subject matter fostering challenge-led research and impact. This allows students increased access to leading researchers whilst also offering them a breadth of contacts and experiences, enabling them to network within a larger cohort and to see their research within an especially wide disciplinary context. Students are strongly encouraged and supported to attend and present at national and international conferences. All institutions offer wider research and employability skills training sessions.