Nursi  ER
Nursi ER

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Lead supervisor:
Dr Maria Kyriakidou  

Other supervisor(s):

  • Prof Stephen Cushion

Start date: October 2023 (Full time)

Award: General

Subject Pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and Democracy

Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster

Effects of Political Ideology and News Consumption on the Publics Perception of Fact-Checking

Academic attention toward fact-checking has grown significantly in the last decade; however, only a small number of studies have examined factors shaping public views toward fact-checking. Examining how political ideology and news media consumption shape ordinary citizens’ behaviour toward fact-checking and offering a broader understanding of this issue may mitigate limitations that undermine the mission of fact-checking. Thus, in countries where different types of fact-checking practise are employed, fact-checking may become more useful in its mission of combating disinformation.

The overarching aim of this research is to examine public awareness of fact-checking and analyse what the general public thinks about fact-checking in the UK. This research also seeks to identify to what extent political ideology and news media consumption play a role in forming an individual’s views towards fact-checking.


As a communications student, I've always been fascinated by the ways in which politicians and political systems manipulate the masses to gain power. After graduating from university, my interest deepened further during my postgraduate studies. In both my master’s degree and PhD, I became particularly drawn to the topic of information disorder, with a special focus on disinformation. I am captivated by the spread of false information, its political implications, and its intersection with other fields. The practice of fact-checking, as a research area, is something that I continue to explore with great passion.

Outside of my academic life, I lead an active and fulfilling personal life. I currently run workshops with a team of volunteers from various countries, focusing on raising awareness for children with disabilities. These workshops aim to highlight the challenges faced by these children and advocate for those in need.

Traveling is another passion of mine. It has played a significant role in broadening my perspectives and cultivating independence. Inspired by Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, I’ve always felt a strong desire to cross borders, explore new places, and continue expanding my horizons.

Fel myfyriwr cyfathrebu, roeddwn bob amser yn chwilfrydig am y ffordd mae gwleidyddion a systemau gwleidyddol yn camddefnyddio’r bobl i ennill grym. Ar ôl graddio o’r brifysgol, dyfodd fy niddordeb ymhellach yn ystod fy astudiaethau ôl-gradd. Yn ystod fy ngradd meistr a PhD, dechreuais gael diddordeb arbennig mewn afreoleidd-dra gwybodaeth, gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar gam-wybodaeth. Mae'r ffordd mae gwybodaeth ffals yn lledaenu, ei goblygiadau gwleidyddol, a’i chysylltiad â meysydd eraill yn fy nghyffroi. Mae’r arfer o wirio ffeithiau, fel maes ymchwil, yn rhywbeth yr wyf yn parhau i’w archwilio gyda brwdfrydedd mawr.

Y tu allan i’m bywyd academaidd, rwy’n arwain bywyd personol gweithgar a boddhaus. Ar hyn o bryd, rwy’n cynnal gweithdai gyda thîm o wirfoddolwyr o wahanol wledydd, gan ganolbwyntio ar godi ymwybyddiaeth am blant anabl. Mae’r gweithdai hyn yn ceisio tynnu sylw at yr heriau mae’r plant hyn yn eu hwynebu ac yn galw am weithredu ar eu cyfer.

Mae teithio yn angerdd arall i mi. Mae wedi chwarae rôl bwysig mewn ehangu fy ngorwelion a meithrin annibyniaeth. Yn ysbrydol gan Robinson Crusoe gan Daniel Defoe, rwyf bob amser wedi teimlo’r dymuniad i groesi ffiniau, archwilio llefydd newydd, a parhau i ehangu fy ngorwelion.