Chloe  Thompson
Chloe Thompson


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Lead supervisor:
Prof Damian Maye

Other supervisor(s):

  • Prof Julie Urquhart
  • Prof Julie Ingram

Start date: October 2024 (Full time)

Award: Collaborative

Subject Pathway:
Environmental Planning

Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster

In partnership with:

  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Welsh Government Welsh Government

Designing serious games to inform land use decisions for net zero in Wales

Around 90% of land in Wales is used for agriculture (Devenish, 2022) which means that farmers and land owners have the potential to play a significant role in Wales' move towards net zero by 2050, through both carbon sequestration potential and reduction in emissions. To continue to help farmers and land owners reach net zero at the farm level, policy makers will need an up-to-date understanding of Welsh farm level decision making relating to net zero.

This PhD aims to co-create a serious game with policy makers, farmers, and other stakeholders to be used as a policy tool for understanding farm level decision making related to net zero in Wales.


Devenish, K. (2022). The Farming Sector in Wales Research Briefing (Issue July).


Prior to joining the CCRI for PhD study Chloe completed a Psychology BSc at the University of Leeds, and worked as both a Graduate Research Assistant and Research Assistant at the James Hutton Institute's Social, Economic, and Geographic Sciences Department in Aberdeen. In her free time she enjoys helping her parents on their farm in Mid-Wales.

Cyn ymuno â CCRI ar gyfer astudiaeth PhD, cwblhaodd Chloe BSc Seicoleg ym Mhrifysgol Leeds, a gweithiodd fel Cynorthwywr Ymchwil Graddedig a Chynorthwywr Ymchwil yn Adran Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Economaidd a Daearyddol, Sefydliad James Hutton yn Aberdeen. Yn ei hamser hamdden mae hi'n mwynhau helpu ei rhieni ar eu fferm yng Nghanolbarth Cymru.