- Aberystwyth University
- Bangor University
- Cardiff University
- University of Gloucestershire
- Swansea University

Prof Gareth Enticott (enticottG@cardiff.ac.uk)
School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University

Prof Mark Whitehead (msw@aber.ac.uk)
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University

Dr Freya St John (f.stjohn@bangor.ac.uk)
School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University

Dr Matt Reed (Mreed@glos.ac.uk)
Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire

Prof Stefan Doerr (s.doerr@swansea.ac.uk)
School of Biosciences, Geography and Physics, Swansea University

Dr Cai Ladd (c.j.t.ladd@swansea.ac.uk)
School of Biosciences, Geography and Physics, Swansea University
Environmental Planning is distinctive in its concern with critically examining the spatial dimensions of interventions in social and economic life at various different scales. The dynamic interactions of the urban and urbanisation and the reconfiguration of rurality are prominent themes
Major concerns include:
• Urban Sustainability and Smart Cities.
• Environmental Behaviour Change.
• Rural environmental change and natural resources management
• Natural hazards, biosecurity and the environmental impacts of agricultural restructuring
• Environmental governance in cities and regions
• Changes to food production and consumption systems
• The impacts of climate change and mitigation strategies
• Sustainable Transport
Institutions involved in the pathway and their areas of interest include:
Aberystwyth University – rural environmental change and environmental behaviours
Bangor University - biodiversity conservation, resource governance, conservation compliance and conflict, forest policy, rewilding, and impact evaluation of conservation
Cardiff University – biosecurity and farmer behaviour, food systems, energy, sustainable transport, urban planning and climate change impacts
University of Gloucestershire – tree health, landscape management, food systems, and climate change impacts to rural areas
Swansea University – forest fire management, land-use change, environmental risk mapping
Environment for doctoral research and training
Students may participate in social research methods training in each of the pathway’s institutions. This includes the opportunity to develop a bespoke training schedule covering a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and analytical techniques including cost-benefit analysis Geographical Information Systems. Students may also engage with other modules on environmental ethics, behaviours and policy making. Students can participate in other training as part of the Place, Environment and Development cluster, including annual conferences in Wales and Gloucester.
Knowledge exchange and careers
The pathway has strong links to a range of public and private environmental organisations in Wales. This includes the Environment Platform Wales (EPW), through which placements and internships are available for students to learn and help with the development of environmental policy. For more information on the EPW and the opportunities it offers, see their website. Previous students have gone on to conduct further research and worked for governmental and non-governmental organisations.