Allan  Penafiel-Mera
Allan Penafiel-Mera

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Lead supervisor:
Prof Georgina Santos

Other supervisor(s):

  • Dr Crispin Cooper

Start date: September 2021

Award: General

Subject Pathway:
Environmental Planning

Thematic Cluster:
Place, Environment and Development Cluster

Restructuring road user charges in the UK in preparation for an ACES world

My research interest in one sentence would be: "If road-users paid the true social cost of transport, perhaps urban geography, commuting patterns, and even the sizes of towns would be radically different from the present." (David Newberry)

In general, I'm interested in policies and measures designed to correct unsustainable travel behaviors. Specifically, I will be researching the efficiency of fiscal instruments based on fossil fuels consumption, in terms of internalization of negative transport externalities, in a future with autonomous, connected, efficient, and safer vehicles (ACES).

Apart from the environmental issues derived from daily travel patterns, I am also interested in the social externalities, such as exclusion, wealth redistribution, inequality, safety, unfair use of public spaces, etc.

Another more futuristic topic that attracts my attention are the negative externalities that personal aircraft (PAC) will deliver to cities and societies.

I'm an enthusiast of automatization, Python programming, and QGIS.