Ms Hazel Yeoun  Choi
Ms Hazel Yeoun Choi


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Lead supervisor:
Dr Rosie Walters

Other supervisor(s):

  • Dr Saira Malik
  • Dr Elisa Wynne-Hughes

Start date: October 2024 (Full time)

Award: General

Subject Pathway:
Politics, International Relations and Global Language Based Area Studies

Thematic Cluster:
Rights and Governance Cluster

Resilience and Resistance: Women's Struggles for Rights in Authoritarian Regimes with cult leaders - A Comparative Study of Iran and North Korea


PhD student in Politics and International Relations at Cardiff University
Thesis title: Resilience and Resistance: Women's Struggles for Rights in Authoritarian Regimes - A Comparative Study of Iran and North Korea

MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Politics) at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Thesis: Exploring the Impact of Feminism in the 2022 Mahsa Amini Protests: From the Participants' Viewpoints

B.A. in Persian and Journalism at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) Seoul, Korea
Study Abroad: School of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran

Honours and awards
WGSSS (Welsh Graduate School for the Social Sciences Studentship) - ESRC funded
Think Big Scholarship, University of Bristol (2022-2023)
Korea Work Enjoy Study Travel Program scholarship, Korean Ministry of Education & U.S. Department ofState (2018-2019)
Full-tuition undergraduate scholarship, Korea Ministry of Education (2014-2018)