Shalini  Ganasan
Shalini Ganasan

Lead supervisor:
Prof Maneesh Kumar

Other supervisor(s):

  • Prof Andrew Carson-Stevens

Start date: October 2021

Award: General

Subject Pathway:
Management and Business

Thematic Cluster:
Economy, Enterprise, and Productivity Cluster

In partnership with:

  • Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Evaluation of characteristics of RESILIENce for patient safeTy in care delivery by the Rapid Response System in a Welsh Health Board, a mixed methods study

My research interest revolves around appreciation of complexity of healthcare organisations whereby outcomes are often emergent and dynamic in nature. I am particularly interested in understanding system resilience employing a systems approach, to understand why decisions made sense at the time and what resilience characteristics are beneficial for patient safety.

Healthcare related harm has failed to reduce significantly over the last three decades. Resilience in healthcare provides a proactive lens to learn from when things go right, equally. I hope that my research into characteristics of system resilience in an environment ripe with uncertainty and complexity, can contribute towards operationalisation of resilience, for a safer healthcare system, for the 21st century.

The outputs of this research may be of interest to healthcare leaders, multi-disciplinary healthcare staff, managers, patients and their family, carers, academics, policy makers and the government.