Start date: October 2020
Award: Collaborative
Subject Pathway:
Linguistics and Bilingualism
Thematic Cluster:
Language, Learning and Behaviour Cluster
In partnership with:
Evaluating the impact of various practices of translanguaging on pupils' educational and linguistics outcomes
Curriculum for Wales: 2022 endorses the application of approaches and models that allow, promote and encourage a mix of languages in the classroom, fostering a more dynamic bilingualism in pupils. Despite the endorsement of translanguaging as a valuable approach in bilingual/multilingual contexts internationally, very few studies have attempted to evaluate its impact on pupil achievement directly, and no studies have systematically evaluated how/why/when/for whom translanguaging works within education in Wales.
The aim of my research project will be to evaluate the impact of various practices of translanguaging on pupils' educational and linguistic outcomes in Wales.
Mae Cwricwlwm Cymru: 2022 yn cymeradwyo'r defnydd o ddulliau a modelau sy'n caniatáu, hyrwyddo ac annog cymysgedd o ieithoedd yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, gan feithrin dwyieithrwydd deinamig mewn disgyblion. Ond er bod trawsieithu bellach wedi ei gymeradwyo fel dull gwerthfawr mewn cyd-destunau dwyieithog/amlieithog yn rhyngwladol, ychydig iawn o astudiaethau sydd wedi ceisio gwerthuso ei effaith ar gyflawniad disgyblion yn uniongyrchol, ac nid oes unrhyw astudiaethau wedi gwerthuso'n systematig sut, pam a phryd y mae trawsieithu'n gweithio yng nghyd-destun addysg yng Nghymru.
Nod fy mhrosiect ymchwil yw arfarnu effaith gwahanol arferion trawsieithu ar ddeilliannau addysgol ac ieithyddol disgyblion yng Nghymru.