Laura Mayhew  Manistre
Laura Mayhew Manistre

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Lead supervisor:
Prof Donald Forrester

Start date: October 2019

Award: Collaborative

Subject Pathway:
Social Care, Social Work and Social Policy   

Thematic Cluster:
Society and Well-Being Cluster

In partnership with:

  • Health and Care Research Wales Health and Care Research Wales

Adolescent Mental Health Care Leavers Mental Health and Transistions

My background is in Youth Work practice. I hold an MA in CAMHS. Professional values such as promoting participation and developing social capitol are fundamental to my approach in practice and research.

I am currently undertaking an ESRC funded PhD, a Realist Evaluation looking at 'What works to support care leavers mental health, wellbeing and transitions'.

I plan to work closely with stakeholders in both the statutory and charity sector, as well as working alongside young people with care experience, as the experts in this field.