Wales DTP student Siobhan Maderson (Human Geography, Aberystwyth) is one of 12 students nationally to have been shortlisted for the ESRC’s writing competition ‘Making Sense of Society’.

Her entry is Ensuring a Sweeter Future. The ESRC said “shortlisted writers impressed the judges by communicating their research in an engaging, original, powerful and thought-provoking way”. The awards event takes place in the Wolfson Library at the Royal Society, London, on 21 March 2017. You can see the full list of finalists on the ESRC website.
Professor David James, director of the Wales DTP, said “This is excellent news, and I congratulate Siobhan. I will be attending the awards event at the Royal Society on 21 March and I’lll be rooting for her to win the overall prize as well!”