Applications for Student Representatives Now Open!

Glamorgan Building

The DTP is seeking enthusiastic students to take up the role of DTP Student Rep at Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, an additional representative for Cardiff University (working alongside current Rep for Cardiff University Rachel Phillips), Swansea University and University of Gloucestershire.

Student Reps act as a conduit for comments and ideas from fellow Wales DTP funded students across the academic schools and pathways within their institution, relaying feedback to the DTP about all aspects of the student experience.

Role of the Student Rep:

  • To involve other students in providing feedback, opinion and ideas
  • To act as a central point for information collation and dissemination for ESRC funded students (across all years) in the institution
  • To help the DTP identify needs for advanced training provision
  • To highlight problems and suggest improvements in the DTP’s provision of support and opportunities during a student’s period of PhD training and research.

If you are interested in becoming a Wales DTP Student Rep, send your nomination (a brief outline of why you would make a good Rep) to the Wales DTP ( by 12th February along with the names of two fellow DTP students who support your nomination. Further details about the role of Student Rep are available on the DTP website here