3MEI #WISERD2018 Competition Won by Amy Sanders

3MEI Winner 2018

Congratulations to Amy Sanders who won this year’s three minute engagement and impact competition (3MEI) at last month’s WISERD Conference.

Amy Sanders
3MEI Winner Amy Sanders

The competition, sponsored by the Wales DTP, challenges PhD students to give an account of challenges or achievements (or both!) in their research with respect to engagement and impact. But they must do this using only one projected slide and in strictly no more than three minutes!

This year there were five excellent presentations. Amy Sanders, a Wales DTP student at Cardiff University’s School of Social Science, presented on the relationship between government and the third sector to achieve equality in society. There were also presentations from Annie McCartney (University of South Wales), Elizabeth Woodcock (Bangor University), Lauren Burns (Swansea University) and Martin Burgess (Aberystwyth University).

Amy was awarded her prize by the director of WISERD Ian Rees Jones, the Welsh Government’s Chief Social Research Officer Steven Marshall, and Wales DTP director David James.

David James congratulates Amy Sanders
David James congratulates Amy Sanders