
The WGSSS has a Director, a Manager, an E-learning Officer and an Administrative Assistant based at Cardiff University which is the lead institution in the WGSSS consortium. The Deputy Director is based at Swansea University, The Training Lead is based at Aberystwyth University and the Research in Practice Co-Ordinator is based at Bangor University.

Steering Group

A Steering Group oversees and monitors the strategic direction and development of the WGSSS, ensuring that it complements the research strategies of the partner institutions and is responsive to developments in research policy.

Management Board

The Management Board comprises representatives from each of the partner institutions (two from the lead institution), a representative of the pathway conveners, a student rep, plus the WGSSS’s Director, Deputy Director and Manager. This group is the main mechanism for the ongoing representation of the seven institutions in all major operational matters.

  • Professor Tom Hall (Cardiff University)
  • Dr Andrew Davenport (Aberystwyth University)
  • Dr Ross Roberts (Bangor University)
  • Professor Lynne Evans (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
  • Dr Matthew Reed (University of Gloucestershire)
  • Dr Lucy Griffiths (Swansea University)
  • Prof Palash Kamruzzaman (University of South Wales)
  • Professor Adam Hedgecoe  (MSc Social Science Research Methods, Cardiff University)
  • Student representative

Student Reps

Student reps to the WGSSS for each of the partner institutions are a vital conduit for comments/ideas from fellow ESRC funded students across the academic schools and pathways. A lead student rep sits on the WGSSS Management Board. There is more information on the student reps page.