Ysgol Graddedigion Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Cymru

WGSSS is a watershed for the social sciences in Wales. Building on the success of the ESRC Wales DTP, we are strengthened by new university members, a powerful group of strategic partners, and a deep commitment from stakeholders. WGSSS will nurture social science researchers from all backgrounds, delivering outstanding training and practical preparation for a wide range of careers, and impacting upon communities in Wales and around the world.

WGSSS is a collaboration between

What is the WGSSS?
WGSSS trains top-level social scientists across Wales on a range of issues affecting society today.
Apply for funding
WGSSS offers over 70 ESRC studentships annually through our General and Collaborative Studentship Competitions.
Subject Pathways
WGSSS is constituted by 15 Subject Pathways organised within 5 broad Thematic Clusters.